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O makes student life breezier and adulting easier.
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Here's what your assistant O can do for you

student help

Get adulting done

Give you a heads up on the day ahead

Stay on top of your daily doings.

Manage your calendar

Add/edit events and find any conflicts right away.

Make a list for to-dos, shopping, trips, or anything else

Offload all the little things and make space for what's important.

student help

Study smarter

Scan your syllabus, documents or images for dates and deadlines

Get the important info right on your cal or in a list.

Remind you and your study mates of to-dos

When everyone knows what to do, nothing falls through the cracks.

Scan your emails for anything you need to take action on

And make lists, reminders, and events to keep track of it all.

student help

Live easier

Give tasks to your roommates

No more overflowing dishes. Everyone does their part.

Plan meals and get everything sent to your door with Instacart

Take the the question of "what's for dinner?" off the table.

Loved by College Students

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